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Getting Started

The best way to get to know Pravega is to start it up and run a sample Pravega application.

Running Pravega is Simple

Verify the following prerequisite

Java 11

Download Pravega

Download the Pravega release from the Github Releases. If you prefer to build Pravega yourself, you can download the code and run ./gradlew distribution. More details are shown in the Pravega README.

$ tar xfvz pravega-<version>.tgz

Run Pravega in standalone mode

This launches all the components of Pravega on your local machine.

Note: This is for testing/demo purposes only, do not use this mode of deployment in Production!

More options and additional ways to run Pravega can be found in Running Pravega guide.

$ cd pravega-<version>
$ ./bin/pravega-standalone

The command above runs Pravega locally for development and testing purposes. It does not persist in the storage tiers like we do with a real deployment of Pravega and as such you shouldn't expect it to recover from crashes, and further, not rely on it for production use. For production use, we strongly encourage a full deployment of Pravega.

Running a sample Pravega Application

We have developed a few samples to introduce the developer to coding with Pravega here: Pravega Samples.

Download and run the "Hello World" Pravega sample reader and writer applications. Pravega dependencies will be pulled from maven central.

Note: The samples can also use a locally compiled version of Pravega. For more information, please see the README note on maven publishing.

Download the Pravega-Samples git repo

$ git clone
$ cd pravega-samples

Generate the scripts to run the applications

$ ./gradlew installDist

Run the sample "HelloWorldWriter"

This runs a simple Java application that writes a "hello world" message as an event into a Pravega stream.

$ cd pravega-samples/pravega-client-examples/build/install/pravega-client-examples
$ ./bin/helloWorldWriter
Example HelloWorldWriter output
Writing message: 'hello world' with routing-key: 'helloRoutingKey' to stream 'examples / helloStream'
See the README file in the standalone-examples for more details on running the HelloWorldWriter with different parameters.

Run the sample "HelloWorldReader"

$ cd pravega-samples/pravega-client-examples/build/install/pravega-client-examples
$ ./bin/helloWorldReader

Example HelloWorldReader output

Reading all the events from examples/helloStream
Read event 'hello world'
No more events from examples/helloStream

See the README file in the pravega-client-examples for more details on running the HelloWorldReader application.