If you missed my previous post, Pravega Flink connector 101, we strongly recommend you take the time to read that one first. It introduced how Flink DataStream API works with reading from and writing to Pravega streams, which lays the necessary foundation for the topics we’ll cover in this post. To briefly recap the last […]
Traditional cache solutions treat each entry as an immutable blob of data, which poses problems for the append-heavy ingestion workloads that are common in Pravega. Each Event appended to a Stream would either require its own cache entry or need an expensive read-modify-write operation to be included in the Cache. To enable high-performance ingestion of […]
The ability to pipeline Events to the Segment Store is a key technique that the Pravega Client uses to achieve high throughput, even when dealing with small writes. A Writer appends an Event to its corresponding Segment as soon as it is received, without waiting for previous ones to be acknowledged. To guarantee ordering and […]
Pravega Watermarking Support Tom Kaitchuck and Flavio Junqueira Motivation Stream processing broadly refers to the ability to ingest data from unbounded sources and processing such data as it is ingested. The data can be user-generated, like in social networks or other online application, or machine-generated, like in server telemetry or sensor samples from IoT and […]
The Pravega Segment Store Service is a subsystem that lies at the heart of the entire Pravega deployment. It is the main access point for managing Stream Segments, providing the ability to modify and read their contents. The Pravega Client communicates with the Pravega Stream Controller to identify which Segments need to be used (for […]
Pravega allows the state to be shared in a consistent fashion across multiple cooperating processes distributed in a cluster using a State Synchronizer. This blog details how to use State Synchronizer [1] to build and maintain consistency in a distributed application. State Synchronizer In distributed systems, frequently state needs to be shared across multiple instances […]