Several of the difficulties with tailing a data stream boil down to the dynamics of the source and of the stream processor. For example, if the source increases its production rate in an unplanned manner, then the ingestion system must be able to accommodate such a change. The same happens in the case a processor […]
Introduction Reading and writing is the most basic functionality that Pravega offers. Applications ingest data by writing to one or more Pravega streams and consume data by reading data from one or more streams. To implement applications correctly with Pravega, however, it is crucial that the developer is aware of some additional functionality that complements […]

Stream On with Pravega On stage: Pravega Stream processing is at the spotlight in the space of data analytics, and the reason is rather evident: there is high value in producing insights over continuously generated data shortly rather than wait for it to accumulate and process in a batch. Low latency from ingestion to result […]